Monday, June 18, 2012

Message to Bernanke: Time to Go ALL IN !!!

Mr. Bernanke, it's that time again - The Fed meeting (Wed.) to discuss how much money to print in order to propagate the delusion-formerly-known-as-the-economy.  As you know, we have tried 0% interest rates, dozens of secret bank lending programs, two rounds of quantitative easing, one 'Twist' (rolling over short-term debt into long-term debt) etc.  So, at this juncture you must be thinking that the next option is either QE3 or Twist 2.0.  However, speaking for the Middle Class, we have noticed that so far, the money printing hasn't generated any jobs or for that matter recreated what used to be called a real economy.

Then I had an epiphany, based on something Larry Summers said recently.  He said that if you borrow too much money, then the way to fix the problem is to borrow even MORE money.  And then I thought wow, that's it !  We need to do the same thing with monetary policy - we need to print MORE money !

And since you are both from Harvard, I figured you would accept his convoluted, fucked up, moronic logic at face value. 

Therefore, I implore you to skip QE3-10 and go straight for: