Friday, February 1, 2013

Banzai !!!

[Updated:  Feb. 1st, 2013] Updated yet again...still insane...

[Original Post: Jan. 17, 2013]
When Japanese Kamikaze pilots went into battle, their explosives-laden aircraft only had enough fuel for a one way trip - for obvious reasons. The same can be said for this liquidity propelled rocket ride we call a market. When Bernankenstein started adding liquidity to the markets at the bottom in 2009, he knew he would have to continually add ever-more monetary rocket fuel to keep assets levitated - which he has done, every stage along the way.  Whenever it looked like the rocket ride was stalling, he stepped in with yet more dopium.  The result is what we see below, a parabolic rocket ride with no exit strategy whatsoever...The Idiocracy at large hasn't cared about this ludicrous strategy, because stock prices have generally been going up; however, they will be rudely awakened from their narcoleptic food coma when they find out that they only paid for a one-way ticket...