Monday, July 15, 2013

A Generation of Glassy Eyed Buffoons

Every time I turn on the television I am confronted with a never-ending discussion on the Snowden/NSA situation, or worse yet, the Zimmerman/Martin pointless diversion. This is the preoccupation of the Baby Boomers, who like to talk everything to death while the issues that really matter get worse in the background. With respect to the NSA "leak", only a totally morally bankrupt generation would start out demonstrating for its right to more civil freedoms and then later in life preoccupy itself with taking freedoms away from the next generation. The same generation that burned its draft cards and protested Vietnam, has now devolved into hypocritical right-wing war mongers - Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Obama, Romney - the entire Neocon pseudo-patriotic "think tank" - no combat experience whatsoever...

Voodoo Economics
The real question is why does the rest of society still place its faith in history's most hedonistic generation to get us past this economic mess? How many lessons do we have to learn at the hands of the born again hippy freaks? The real lesson in this entire economic fiasco is not just one of failed policy, fundamentally it's one of failed leadership. The Baby Boomers came along at a critical juncture in U.S. history and faced the choice of attempting to propagate the inherently unsustainable or adopting a more sustainable way of life. We know which path has been chose over and over again via Supply Side Economics. It was George Bush Senior who derided Supply Side economics as Voodoo Economics, before he sold out to become Reagan's VP. Still, his words ring in our ears as a voice from the WWII generation attempted to point out that we were headed down the path of no return. 

Baby Onboard
I just read this guest post on Zerohedge - "10 Things the Boomers Won't Tell You", basically confirming everything I just said above. The worst part in all of this of course, is that the Boomers have raised a very coddled generation coming after them, but left them absolutely no resources to survive upon. How is that going to work out? 

History Says: Decadence Yields to Anarchy
There is one thing that is 100% certain in all of this slow motion shit show - which is that nothing will get fundamentally better, until this generation passes on the baton of leadership and otherwise loses its outsized dominance at the polls. The Boomers are the guardians of the status quo. Nothing is allowed to change while they are in political power. Not only did they make a convenient shift to the right in old age, including a newfound love for war given that they no longer have to participate, but they brought the rest of the country (and world) along for the ride. We are all locked in their economic death grip, sinking into the abyss, all because they lack the testosterone to fix a problem that they created in the first place. Every other generation in U.S. history that improved circumstances for itself also left the next generation better off as well. They didn't milk all subsequent generations to their own benefit. The Boomers are the first generation to fuck over all subsequent generations.

History will not be kind.