Friday, September 26, 2014

2008 Was The Revelation

"We'll always be wealthy, they'll always be poor. That's life."

The wake up call and ensuing five year interval was a gift. One last chance to acknowledge the inherent immorality and unsustainability of Ponzi Capitalism. The new Sodom and Gomorrah took full advantage of the time, by tightening the noose around their necks...

"The "borrowed time" central banks have created with ultra-low interest rates following the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 has not been well used".  
[Bank for International Settlements]

You don't say...

The events of 2008 could have destroyed the global economy on the spot and reduced everyone to instantaneous poverty (in addition to the billions who are already in poverty).

Instead however, it exposed the underlying rot and malfeasance occurring on Wall Street and the entire financial system. In addition, it exposed the duplicitous actions of Washington and other global governments in doing everything possible to bail-out the ultra-wealthy at the expense of ordinary citizens. Dozens of books and documentaries were created on the subject. Matt Taibbi made his name on the subject. There are even a few blogs around on this topic. 


Meanwhile, the five year interval has been the REAL gift. Most people were terrified by the financial meltdown, therefore this huge amount of time gave them:

A chance to start living within their means

A chance to significantly cut back or eliminate debt

A chance to build up a significant savings cushion

A massive rally to allow divestment of all stocks and diversify to safer investments

Most of all, the opportunity to prepare mentally for the fact that the consumption-oriented lifestyle is doomed to fail and wipe out anyone who attempts to embrace it. A chance to step back and recognize what is important in life and cut ties to the externally gratified dopamine addiction of shopping mall culture. In other words a chance to get a real life.

How many people do you know have done any/all of the above?

I rest my case.

What were they doing instead? Let me guess
  • American Idolatry?
  • Kardashians?
  • Porn Selfies?
  • "The Learning Channel"?
  • ESPN?
  • Cross-country soccer tournaments?
  • xBox?
  • South Park?

Like this planet itself, the divine creator gives us all the things we need, and then the Idiocracy throws them straight into the land fill.

Don't worry about the Idiocracy's moral values, they don't have any. They laughed at Occupy Wall Street: "What do they want anyway?"

Some people like to learn the hard way. So be it.