Tuesday, April 8, 2014

All Things Fake Are Now Crumbling

“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” 
– Aldous Huxley – Brave New World Revisited (h/t: ZH, TheBurningPlatformBlog)

The Corporatocracy: A Fake Way to Live
Ultra-violent video games, violent TV, pharmaceuticals, junk food - these are all part of a psychotic-inducing toxic cocktail, however, it's the dopamine-addicted transactional nature of this society that is at the heart of the mental illness. Human beings were not meant to be self-contained disposable widgets without overlapping interdependency within a broader community. Human interaction has been whittled down to a vacant nod at the point of sale or a mindless "like" on a Facebook posting. 

2014 Another Record Year (Yes, already)

The Collapsing Ponzi Scheme
It's clear now that this mentally ill society stared into the abyss of 2008 and didn't like what they saw. They know that this five year vacation from reality is a MASSIVE corrupt lie, but they don't care, because they can't care. A deep psychosis has spread among the stoned masses and the primary side effect is the inability to face any form of reality or accept any form of responsibility. 

Genuine Democracy Has Vaporized
"The President, Congress and the Courts serve the interests of a minority that is so tiny that it is almost microscopic. What is even worse, is WHO that elite constituency is. It is exclusively THE BIGS: Big banks, Big corporations, Big agriculture, Big energy, Big pharmaceuticals, Big health care, Big high tech and the BIGGEST of them all - the military-industrial complex"

"It has fallen so tragically, that it is now just a self-deluded leper strutting about the global stage - unaware that the theater has already emptied."

Regardless of sentimentalities, the elites are desperately clinging to their fading hegemony. They will be the last to know that all of this is ending. Badly. Literally every other key measure of societal vitality is now moving in the wrong direction, except the Dow. The Dow has become the last vestige of the status quo, and hence represents an anchor of mental stability for an otherwise deeply unstable society. Being a blogger today is like chasing the masses around trying to hold the truth in front of their faces while they desperately avert their eyes and run in the other direction for fear of confronting unholy reality.

The Globalized Vacation from Reality Churned out Brain Dead Zombies
The corporatized shrink-wrapping of all things fake, eventually generated a vacuous shrink-wrapped society. The quaint concepts of deep knowledge, craftsmanship, and intellectual curiosity have all been discarded in favour of knowing who won the dozen games last night. Anyone who is not broadcasting or receiving on that same superficial frequency can in no way relate to the Borg. College itself devolved from being a profound learning opportunity to a financially suicidal extended frat party, interrupted by rote memorization and last minute cramming for exams. The end result being a pointless piece of paper equipping the holder to be the next commoditized widget at Acme enterprises.

Someone Find That Fucking Malaysian Airliner
Thousands of children worldwide die every day for want of a few dollars worth of food and medicine, but all the infotainers have talked about for weeks is one missing airliner. The Ukraine is in the process of being carved up into little pieces but apparently that can't compete with episode 60 of "Airport 2014". Meanwhile, these media mannekins will never figure out that societal superficiality is at the root cause of this mental illness crisis. After all, that would require them to admit that everything they do and everything they are is totally fake and less than worthless to society. So, like the hunt for the missing jobs, and the missing airliner, the dumbfuck quest for the missing sanity will continue unabated.

As we see in real-time, this pretender society is reaching its psychological limits amid a deep and abiding addiction to all things fake, and the gripping fear of being weaned from dopamine addiction into the open air called reality. Human beings, hundreds and thousands of years ago, were fully adapted to life in real-time at human speed. Today's attention deficit dopamine addicts require constant stimulation just to maintain their proxy for internally gratified happiness and contentment. Always on to the next "thing". Collapse will bring extreme deceleration. It will bring life back to human speed again. These minds that are not adapted to life at human scale, will be like divers rising from the deep without decompressing. It will be fucking ugly. They don't know how to be happy without their consumption-oriented lifestyle, which means they won't be happy - at which point, all hell will break loose. 

Get Zen
So, it's incumbent to adapt ahead of time, to build up immunity to the burgeoning mass psychosis, which is already upon us and merely papered over by Prozac and the algo-manipulated Dow. Because when the SHTF, it will be too late.