Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Who Will Work For the Slave Owners?

When the Economy is configured like a Ponzi Scheme, the odds of achieving success are a lottery
Billionaires and boy-men tell us all day every day that their obscene wealth was solely due to their hard work and entrepreneurial brilliance. They tell us that they are the "job creators", even as the employment ratio is at a 30 year low. Perhaps they mean the "Chinese job creators". As most excellent as this line of bullshit may be, nevertheless, these disaster capitalists are still heavily reliant on the rest of us ne'er do wells who serve some role in their offshore cash accumulation scheme...
Belief in the great American Lottery will be tested...

The Ponzinomic Lottery
The problem at hand is that the odds for the overwhelming majority ever becoming well-off, are growing slimmer and slimmer and yet the demand and supply sustaining the ponzi economy is heavily dependent upon the cooperation of ordinary people who work hard every day for a mere pay check. 

Here is where it gets interesting...despite the overwhelming odds stacked against any given wage slave in this lottery, the country club still somehow managed to convince the masses to play the lottery. 

How did they do that?

Brainwashing + Junk Food + Junk Culture 
For decades now, the odds in this lottery have grown ever smaller for the working class. Yet year in and year out they played the game. They bet on DotComs. Lost. They bet on housing. Lost that too. They worked their way up to a good job. Had that outsourced out from under them. Leveraged themselves into oblivion for college for their kids - only to realize there are no decent entry level jobs anymore.

Rolling those dice. Again and again. But don't take my word for it:

And then there's always the CIA saying the exact same thing:

CIA Factbook:
"Since 1975, practically all the gains in household income have gone to the top 20% of households. Since 1996, dividends and capital gains have grown faster than wages or any other category of after-tax income..."

"US revenues from taxes and other sources are lower, as a percentage of GDP, than those of most other countries..."

"Long-term problems include stagnation of wages for lower-income families, inadequate investment in deteriorating infrastructure, rapidly rising medical and pension costs of an aging population, energy shortages, and sizable current account and budget deficits - including significant budget shortages for state governments."

Foodstamps and a living wage are not "Socialism"
Foodstamps and a decent minimum wage are not socialism. Foodstamps at best are an anti-riot device that most sane developed nations would never ever attempt. They're socialism by and for Walmart. And a decent minimum wage is merely to keep a lid on the elites' worst fear - "tyranny of the masses" aka. democracy.

The U.S. is Different: Class warfare is only allowed when it's top down
I've heard it said many times by people at the top of this shit pile that the U.S. is different. It's not like Europe and Canada where the people who do all of the work expect a decent share of the income. Well, all I can say is that "past performance is no guarantee of future results".

The dice have been rolled one too many times. 
The self-nominated "elites" rolled the dice one time to many. And they left the "Proles" nothing left to lose. Literally. Credibility in the great American lottery is at the verge of being lost by the country club. Hence the burden of proof will now be on the ultra-wealthy to prove that they can fix a problem that they created. They will have to prove that they themselves are not the problem. The days when they can hide behind their Socialist-in-name-only Manchurian Candidate are numbered. 

Tick Tock.