Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Momentum Of Inconvenient Truth

Trump's tax cut for the ultra-wealthy is the Republican solution for fixing wealth inequality. Which brings to mind the joke about the man who asked a genie to grant one wish - to have his penis touch the ground. So the genie cut his legs off... 

“Now comes the moment of truth”

“We're going to eliminate tax breaks and complex loopholes taken advantage of by the wealthy… It's all right. I don't care. Some of my wealthy friends care. Me, I don't care. This is a higher calling.”

The weakest link in Trump's tax cut, among others, is the fact that the rest of the world doesn't believe anything he says anymore. Even within the U.S., according to the most recent polls, it's encouraging to note that almost 2:1 Americans oppose the tax cut versus support it:

Nevertheless, it's that loyal base of dunces who account for why U.S. stocks are vastly outperforming the entire rest of the world...

The rest of the world is waiting for this farce to end...

In other words the genie is ready to fix wealth inequality...

"This is the moment of truth"